How should the passengers take the lift?(1)In waiting hall, if you wanna go to upstair then press the button "△", and if wanna go to downstair then press the button"▽". Button lights indicate that the call has been registered (if the button has been pressed by other passengers, no need to re Pres...View Detail
Passenger should how to do a proper take escalator?Passenger should how to do a proper take escalator?(1)Facing the movement direction to stand, should stand on the feet step security area. (2)Hand armrest take stand on the right side. (3)Take the escalator to the exit should leave quickly. (4)Ch...View Detail
Wait ladder to pay attention when what item?Wait ladder to pay attention when what item?(1)Spare the wait inside hall button, to press lightly, according to the bright don't repeatedly for, banned by abvance sharp touch flap or play button. (2)Wait ladder, it is strictly prohibited to rely on lay...View Detail
Why is banned in the elevator car all cars?Why is banned in the elevator car all cars?The jump in within, or so shake, can make the elevator safety device misoperation cause passengers were stuck in the inside, affect the normal operation of the elevator.View Detail
Take pet use elevators, should pay attention to?Avoid by all means is used long cord and led the pet take, the application of the hand tight or embrace, in case of string is layer, its the door shut on operation cause accidents.View Detail
Why ban hand pushing a pram, such as shopping trolley on escalators?Hand pushing a pram, such as shopping trolley on escalators, car appropriate lose balance cause tumble, even cause other passengers hurt or equipment damage. When need please take an elevator or automatic sidewalk.View Detail