How should the passengers take the lift?
(1)In waiting hall, if you wanna go to upstair then press the button "△", and if wanna go to downstair then press the button"▽". Button lights indicate that the call has been registered (if the button has been pressed by other passengers, no need to re Press), the car is about to come to the floor you standing.
(2)When the car arrives at the level of the station will automatically open the door,Passengers have to confirm that car is going upward direction or downward by the light on HOP.After confirm the running car direction and HOP light direction, desired destination passengers can get in car. And with opposite diresction passengers have to wait the car comes again in their desired direction.
(3)At floor when the door open, let the passsengers come out first. After passengers who want ride should get in car without pushing each other. Pay special attention to blank gap between hall and car.